» Featured Products » Motion-Controller and MPGs » MPGs » MPG - 6 Axis Pendant
MPG – 6 Axis Pendant
Product Description
This is a well built pendant with the functions needed for jog CNC equipment. It is sturdy,
and professional looking. This pendant is just like MPG2, but wired to support 6 axis.
Works with Mach3 on a second parallel port, Pokeys or Modbus devices.
Metallic hand wheel with professional look and feel.
Axis selector knob. X, Y, Z, 4, 5, 6. Axis 5 and 6 can be used for FRO and SSO.
Jogging resolution or speed selector knob.
E-Stop Button.
Enable bush button.
Jog "ON" LED.
Cradle for placing it on the machine.
Quadrature +5VDC A and B output.
Requires +5VDC.
100 Pulses per revolution with detent per pulse.
Additional Details