MPG Handwheel Control Pendant for Mach4 and Mach3,UCCNC, LinuxCNC (P1A-S)
MPG Handwheel Control Pendant for Mach4 and Mach3,UCCNC, LinuxCNC (P1A-S)
Product Description
MPG Handwheel Control Pendant for Mach4 and Mach3 ( P1A-S)
X, Y, Z, A axis selection P1A-S
LCD display with backlight.
Large E-Stop button.
X, Y, Z and A axis selection.
Step, Velocity and Continuous jogging.
Slow jog rate, Feed rate and Spindle Speed change through MPG.
Step size and Screen page selection.
Work with any Mach3,4
Relay control through E-Stop button
USB cable length: 10 ft
4 Axis selections.
Box size: 9x3x5, weight: 1.5 lbs
The iMach3 control pendant works with Mach3, Mach4, UCCNC and LinuxCNC.
The Pendant manual, Pendant plugins, Pendant driver, pendant firmware, pendant firmware
upgrade tools and instructions can be downloaded at
The pendant received is preinstalled with Mach3,
to use it with Mach3:
- The pendant LCD displays “VistaCNC iMach3” when the pendant is connected to the
- Download and install the pendant Mach3 Plugin.
to use it with Mach4:
- Download and install the pendant Mach4 firmware. After the firmware installed, the
pendant LCD displays “VistaCNC iMach4” when the pendant is connected to the PC.
- Download and install the pendant Mach4 Plugins.
to use it with UCCNC:
- Download and install the pendant UCCNC firmware. After the firmware installed, the
pendant LCD displays “VistaCNC UCCNC” when the pendant is connected to the PC.
- Download and install the pendant UCCNC Plugins.
to use it with LinuxCNC:
- Download and install the pendant LinuxCNC firmware. After the firmware installed,
the pendant LCD displays “VistaCNC LinuxCNC” when the pendant is connected to
the PC.
- Download and install the pendant LinuxCNC driver, and HAL files.
MPG2-USB3 (1135 downloads)
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